Sunday, September 27, 2009

4 weeks and counting!

Well, four weeks this evening, and I'll be in Christchurch, desperately trying to get to sleep before an early start to get to the airport in time to fly back to Antarctica!

For those who missed my last trip, you might like to take a look at the content on my last blog, which can be found here.

The last 9.5 months since I was last there seem to have rushed past crazy-fast... Already, just from the planning that has taken place, I can tell that this is going to be quite a different season for me compared to last year. Last year I was there learning how our programme works, and basically stood where I was told, and did what Glen told me!

This time, however, I'm the Field Leader for our event, and so am responsible for ensuring that our programme objectives are achieved, and that everything goes to plan. While I'm sure I can handle this added responsibility, it does make me think about the trip quite differently..

I definitely won't have as much time to update this blog, and post photos. That said, if you have questions about Antarctica, I'll try to answer them, so let me know...

I've recently gotten around to editing some video that I shot last time I was down.. Here's the first, it's from the inside of an American C17 on the southbound flight.

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